Re: Blazing Blue Universe

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Blue Blazer

Alias: Arctica
Real Name: Natalie Hendelman
Genre: Superhero
Power(s)/Ability(s): constructed of ice; able to freeze any moisture she touches instantly
Affiliation: none
Past Aliases: none
Status: active
Bio: Natalie was an avid mountain climber who made it a hobby to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail every year. On the year of the first X-13 attacks, she was in the coldest portion, the northernmost part in Maine. Surrounded by snow and ice, Natalie was changed into a being of hard frozen water. Now her living ice form is able to freeze any moisture in which she comes in contact, including the humidity in the air. She can also withstand subarctic temperatures, though she is still able to survive in warmer climates.
