Re: Bi-Weekly Character Design Challenge

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges Bi-Weekly Character Design Challenge Re: Bi-Weekly Character Design Challenge



@dblade said:

As Jeff’s blog shuts down some of its features, I wanted to bring up the topic of Character Design Challenges here on the forums. If put together properly I would consider offering my services as a reward provider in the form of Custom Items for HM3.

I like the idea of a community vote using the PollDaddy system as long as we can do a vote for the Top 3 choices where the min and max vote is three entries. In other words everyone voting has to vote for three choices—no more, no less, no exception (I hope PollDaddy is capable of this). Plus the vote would be left secret until the winner is announced. Why so strict you might ask? I’ve seen some crazy multiple selection polls in my day where one choice jumped ahead 10 or more spots to get in the winner’s circle while the rest of the top choices didn’t receive one extra vote. Highly suspect I say.

The big time sink for this sort of voting is the creation of the poll so I’m not sure who would want to commit to this part of the contest administration.

Just opening up the discussion. Any thoughts?

I don’t think Polldaddy can do the 3 vote no less no more thing, but I know that polldaddy can be locked so it accepts only one vote per IP address. Also, you should PM HammerKnight about your contest idea, and discuss some detail with him, though I like the idea of getting prizes for contests again, I also don’t want to over work you dblade.