Re: Anarchangel’s Archive

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Anarchangel’s Archive Re: Anarchangel’s Archive



To most people, Baron Lander seems to be just a slightly eccentric old man with an admitted passing interest in aliens. But what few realize is that this “passing interest” is actually an ever increasing obsession.
The Baron knows that aliens live among us, masquerading as humans and even super humans.His interest has become a covetous lust for as much advanced alien technology as he can lay his greedy hands on in the belief that it can bring him power. Far more than he already has.

Lander has been a continual thorn in the side of Comet and a number of other alien heroes for some time now. While he has acquired quite a large collection of otherworldly technology his schemes have been mostly foiled. It has been his connection to the British nobility (as well as his vast wealth) that has helped him avoid spending time behind bars, not to mention keeping his less than legal affairs out of the public eye.
