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Simon the Bard

Yup, Aulos met him at Bardic College

Robin Hood and the Tanner

Ah! I finally found the actual song that really inspired me to do Simon. Adventures of Robin Hood, the episode Season 1 Episode 7 (or 8 depending on the scource) The Challenge.
INTRODUCTORY MINSTREL SONG: “Giles Black and Robin Hood, archers of undoubted skill; loose their shafts on target range, but one is champion still!”
SUMMARY: The Sheriff wagers with Sir Richard of the Lea that his archer, Giles Black, can defeat Robin Hood in an archery contest.
Richard sent Simon the Minstrel to tempt Robin Hood and Little John out of Sherwood Forest to the Archery Tournament against the Sheriff’s champion’s

(Being black and white show, I came up with the colors)
Simon is at 3:02