Reply To: Tiberius' Character Emporium

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Sarim. Very kewl characfter. Love the handing feathers on his wrists, and the tattoo work and designs. is the Sun on the left supposed to be a masked tattoo on his shoulder? It’s actually on his wing. The sun and cicle needs moved back to his shoulder, and the circle buried to the back, or made invisable.
Also I might suggest the winde effect be faded a bit to look realer.
But that might just be me.

Snow Angel is lovely. Effective color palet. The abs are very interesting. NOT in a bad way. 🙂

Sunburst is very kewl. love the design and effect. You can tell he is white hot. I’m sorry to keep being nit picky, but those clouds are my least favorite. You might use the Background?Shapes gradient rectackgle for sky with two differnt blues, and the clouds, on Background/Sky  last one on last page. Just to see if you like it better.

All in all still Friggin Wonderful art. Way to go!