Reply To: JR’s Characters

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Firstly, I like the posing on the Sam picture.

Secondly, I thought I would try and guess the machiners, cause I like to think I know my machiners.

Linea and Jeimuzu are easy because their names are in the pic.

Battalion I think is AMS, because Canadian flag.

Dragonfly is Anarchangel (almost went for Vampyrist.)

AI metal jacket, I’m guessing is Stulte, because robots.

Overkill I believe is Vectorman316’s signature character.

vulcarae – lullcarae (need I say more?)

Darkpaw chronicles, I gonna guess Kaldath.

Silver siren I think is Nug.

Omega Force might be MadJack, cause he does lots of super teams.

That leaves, Chaos Kids and I Braganza, which I’m struggling to come up with names for. Djuby’s probably in there somewhere.

SFWA – because it’s a series I think it’s a slightly more or less well known machiner (Cantdraw maybe?)

And finally the Unknowns, which I would guess myself for, but I’m not entirely convinced.

Anyway, great pics, and I like the reference sheet idea.

P.S. I’m surprised the complete saga of Starwars is more than 6 films, unless she hase the new trilogy?