Reply To: Mad Jack's World of Superheroes & -villains

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Mad Jack

Thanks guys! Next is Poseidon, the god of the sea, storm and earthquakes …

Not so sure what to make him in his modern day version. Maybe a fanatic eco-terrorist hiding behind the fassade of an estimable marine biologist/researcher?! Don’t know …


Disgusted with the destructive nature of people in dealing with their life-giving oceans, Poseidon became a fanatic eco-terrorist who hides behind the fassade of an estimable marine biologist while secretly performing acts of sabotage against industrial facilities and greedy corporations all over the world with damage to property worth several million dollars each year. Of course his role in the ecological militant organization „Sons of Gaia“ often clashes with his involvement in the businesses of the EOS Corporation, but when in doubt his radical eco-conservative ideology, according to which man has to be left behind when it comes to the “survival of Mother Nature”, always gains the upper hand.