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…and by the time shading comes up, Iā€™m just done.

I feel you. You can tell by my gallery I’m the same way… A Lot. I’m trying to get over that, because pieces do look better shaded 9 times out of 10. With the layering hierarchy the way it is it makes it really hard to shade stuff on more complicated poses. Here is what I’ve been doing lately to try to better cope with the hassle… I walk away. Come back to it for a few minutes. (10 -15 max) Walk away again, and repeat. Super Mom took me…. (looking at all my saves) 5 days to finish off and on. Hitting it a little each day. And I found myself not so flustered by the time I deemed it finished.

Thanks for taking the time to browse the gallery. You’ve got awesome work too, man! I loved your entry in the Zodiac CDC. That was just too cool.

As far as your Super Mom… I’d prefer you to finish it. I’m always flattered when people want to redesign my characters. They say “Imitation is the highest form of flattery” I’m a firm believer in that statement, and would love to see what you could do with it.

I’m thinking about doing the whole family… Kind of like Disney’s <i>The Incredibles</i> Maybe after the holidays. šŸ˜‰