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Mad Jack

And these are the 20 preset abilities Jack can choose from:


The ability to understand and communicate both verbal and non-verbal in any spoken and written language he hadn’t heard or read and never been able to speak before. This includes sign language and lip-reading, computer codes, body language, microexpressions, animal sounds, extincted dialects, illegible words, backwards speech, kids’ secret languages, pig latin, and even gibberish if it is meant to convey a certain thing.


The ability to intercept, receive, send, and patch into electronic, digital, and radio transmission frequencies without any electronic devices exponentially to extensive proportions by picking up informations through the air straight to his brain. As a living wireless hub/computer, he can access the internet with his mind from anywhere on demand, listen in on other peoples cell phone calls, patch into varying radio signals, and find and hit an exact frequency of sounds which he can increase to the point of homicide.


The ability to rapidly heal from any physical injury, to fight of diseases brought on by bacteria and viruses, to become immune to all existing detrimental contaminants, to recreate lost or damaged tissues, and to even regrow organs and limbs. Since his body reverts to a state of perfect health and his cells return to their optimal state every time he uses this power, he can in theory maintain eternal youth if he use it every day.


The ability to rearrange and modify his physiological features such as face, body, skin, and to a limited degree even his size. With this power he can not only alter his physiognomy to disguise himself, but also take on the appearance and build of people he has seen at least once by concealing body-parts like fingers, eyes, etc. The only limitation to this power is that he can’t actually add anything new to his body-shape. So if he wants to impersonate a burlier person for example, he has to shift his flesh outward and simultaneously expand his inner organs to form a big belly.


The ability to focus and thus enhance each of his senses extremely, allowing him to see, hear, smell, taste, touch and/or feel more than an average person. With this power he can see with amazing clarity on vast distances and in various spectrum of light, pick up every single sound from a mile away in a busy city, detect specific smells and locate their origin, detect poisons or other problems by taste, and feel vibrations through solid and liquid substances as well as changes in air-pressure.


The ability to move above supersonic speed and having drastically enhanced reaction speed. Although this power doesn’t allow him to withstand the rigors of high-speed running (such as friction, gravitational decrease, inertia, and being unable to breath), it enables him to perform short superhuman feets of dexterity and agility at speeds that make him a blur to the human eye. He can exercise parkour maneuver like leaps, flips and bounces off walls in high speed, and perceive time as though it were moving very slowly which allows him to react instantaneously to any unexpected situation, block almost any attack, dodge bullets, and catch falling or flying objects in mid-air.


The ability to transfer any subject, object, matter, and energy between any two points on the planet without traversing the physical space between them. He can achieve this effect by creating a connection between two closed doors he knows of, which enables him amongst others to step through one door in Paris end exit another one in New York. He can also replace smaller objects, up to the size of a carton of cigarettes, with any other object of similar mass and size directly which can prove lethal as he can “replace” a person’s vital organs such as the heart with another object such as a ball of clay, but he mostly use this ability to teleport parts of inorganic targets away.


The ability to render himself invisible in the visible spectrum and imperceptible athe the same time to both humans and technology. Using this power, he becomes “non-existent” to people and machines which makes him unable to be physically touched or mentally/telepathically perceived, and simultaneously absolutely undetectable by smell, touch, vision, and hearing as well as x-ray scans, sonars, radio and energy detections, heat sensors or any other technological detection. This allows him to freely act without being noticed, while still being able to interact with his surroundings.


The ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of people, animals and other creatures by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling their feelings and moods. This way he can amongst others induce powerful feelings of tranquility in people, but also increase their anger and aggression into blind range, cause paranoia, and instill overwhelming dread, fear, horror, and terror in others to the point of becoming catatonic. He often uses this power to intimidate the shit out of people who annoy him – sometimes literally!


The ability to manipulate the thoughts, memories and body control of people, animals and other creatures when making physical contact with them. With this power he can shut down various parts of the brain of others, absorb and alter or outright destroy their memories, and put certain thoughts into their minds which makes them obliged to believe or do whatever he tells them. This way he can for example walk up to a drug dealer, touch his hand, and say “Hey, you really should consume all of your merchandise at once.” which would be answered by “Sure thing!” and result in the pusher dying of a drug overdose.


The ability to move objects and subjects with his mind when making physical contact with them. Mimicking the power of enhanced strenght, this allows him above all to push anything as hard and fast as he wants by just touching it – which can come especially in handy when an asshole parks illegally in a handicapped spot and his car has to be removed/crushed. But this power also enables him to grasp an object firmly in place in order to keep it from moving, to alter an object’s directional course, and to pull or lift heavy objects with ease.


The ability to increase his intelligence above genius level by enhancing his brain’s efficiency through faster neural firing and building new neural pathways instantly. Albeit he can only think faster as long as this power is active, he keeps the new arisen pathways and with that also any knowledge and skills he learned and momorized before the ability to do so faded. So when he watched a surgeon perform a heart surgery while having this power, he could later still replicate it perfectly on his own. This way he picked up many science, mechanical, computer and electronics, and even weapons-handling skills.


The ability to temporarily understand the potential and functional operations of an object he touches and how it all connects together, instinctively know how to handle it in the most efficient way, and immmediatelly learn what the object “knows”. As for example, with this ability he can touch a floor and know exactly how many people are around the corner, learn the combination to a vault from its dial, understand how the complicated mechanism of a clockwork works, touch a wall in a room to find out all that had transpired in it and who had been in it, or simply know which piece in a game of Jenga can be removed safely.


The ability to manipulate the density and solidity of any matter or part of an object by causing its atoms to shake apart or moving closer together. With this power he is able to phase through solid objects like walls by making his own atoms move between the atoms of the wall, to harden his skin and other body-parts to become virtually invulnerable and immune to physical damage, and to become intangible to let bullets pass his body without harm.


The ability to manipulate the Higgs Field in order to dictate how mass is applied to the particles which interact with it. Essentially he is able to increase or decrease the mass of an object, along with its weight, at will while retaining its physical proportions. This allows amongst others the illusion of strength which is created by causing an object to decrease in mass and become lighter so that it can be lifted or pushed away effortlessly. Also, by reducing his own mass, he can negate many of the effects of gravity on his body to move easier through various environments and eliminate the planetary gravitational pull which allows him to levitate/fly.


The ability to manipulate mechanics, machines, technology, and technological constructs, such as computers, robots, and hardware. He can cause everything vaguely mechanical as well as any technological devices to optionally fail and disintegrate into their component parts or work better and more efficient by simply touching them. This allows him not only to let a security system go on the fritz or cause a jammed printer or photocopier to start working again, but also to literally raise broken machines, vehicles and sundry other technology as a kind of technological undead. Pretty useful when you quickly need a fast getaway car and all you have is a an old jalopy.


The ability to absorb and convert kinetic energy, the energy created by movement. When using this power, he can absorb the kinetic energy of every blow struck against him, convert it into plasma and promptly release it in the form of an explosion without being harmed himself. He can use these explosions in powerful and destructive ways, in example to blow up an object he hits with his fist, as well as both offensively or defensively in physical combat. When he gets punched, his attacker is immediately blown backwards struck by the explosion he causes, and when he himself hits people, they are knocked off their feet by the released explosive energy backing up his punch.


The ability to generate, create, emit or otherwise produce any type of toxin, acid, venom, poison, drug, gas, etc. that injures the health or destroys life when absorbed into the system or act highly corrosive on both objects and subjects. He can excrete amongst others an acid that burns a big hole in even the strongest materials, lethal venoms of various animals, fatal toxins produced by vegetal organisms, and disease-causing bacterial secretions. This power is especially usefull if he wants to get rid of handcuffs (he simply dissolves them), but if he says “Bite me!”, better don’t take it literally…


The ability to shift his own temporal phase and displace himself in a repeating time loop for the duration the power is active. While out of phase, he can accelerate, slow down, and even rewind time in his loop in order to try out various possible actions to achieve a certain result over and over again without being effected by the consequences of said actions if he messes up royally and things go horribly. When the ability eventually fades away, he is returned to the exact moment he entered the safe state like nothing ever happened but equipped with the knowledge what will happen and how to handle an upcoming situation appropriately to minimize mistakes and achieve the desired outcome in the most efficient way. After using this ability, he is often perceived by people having a form of precognition, but it really helps him when he needs to let off steam by doing something completely nuts or deranged without suffering the consequences.


The ability to adapt to any environment by instantly developing physical abilities to deal with threats to his body. This power allows him to tolerate wide range of temperatures and levels of moisture, any amount/quality of sustenance, breathable medium, etc. with little or no discomfort and to both unconsciously and reactively enhance his body in multiple ways to survive any life-threatening situation. So, for example, if he is submerged in water he receives functioning gills, if he is exposed to flames his skin becomes fireproof, if is in the dark for a few seconds he gains night vision, and if he is in space he is able to withstand the vacuum and to survive without oxygen. Albeit this power is almost limitless, it is also completely out of his control and thus does not always yield the effect he desires.