Category Archives: Daily Random Panel

RP: What tipped you off, the feather hat or the leather hip boots?

(From "Whiz Comics" number 26, 1942.)

RP: "And what's that you're about to fling!"

(From "Whiz Comics" number 26, 1942.)

RP: "Cheese, warp factor nine."

(From "Captain Victory and the Galaxy Rangers" number 7, ©1982 by Jack Kirby.)

RP: Why James T. Kirk's "Deanna Troi" didn't work out

RP: The hell of junior high school

(From "Captain Victory and the Galaxy Rangers" number 7, ©1982 Jack Kirby.)

RP: Bad super-hero pickup lines

(From "Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers" number 7, ©1982 Jack Kirby.)

RP: Now THAT is a random villain!

(From "Captain Victory" number 7, ©1982, Jack Kirby.)

RP: Truly desperate hombres

(From "Whiz Comics" number 26, 1942.)

RP: Life as Captain Viagra's sidekick

(From "Captain Battle" number 2, 1941.)

RP: Curvoscope > Hubble every day of the week

(From "Captain Battle" number 2, 1941.)