Category Archives: Daily Random Panel

Random Panel: Like gators on a bloated dog? Really?

The cult of the manhunter congregates, like gators on a bloated dog!

Random Panel: Why super senseis are bad babysitters

I will now lead you in singing the theme to Quickdraw McGraw.

Random Panel: Guarantees unlikely to be met

We guarantee nothing, except the dinosaurs

Random Panel: Bad fast food menu items

How many feet of blood and gore would you like?

Random Panel: I do not think that word means what you think it means

Slay him? You mean kill him?

Random Panel: Do I get a third choice?

I’m not one, but stick out your wrist or open your MOUTH!

Random Panel: Bad excuses for why you're late for work

I was preparing to deal with the dwarf

Random Panel: High school nerd date flashback

You could use a BATH, too! You smell AWFUL!

Random Panel: Captain Chekov

In the USSR he’s CAPTAIN Chekov …

Random Panel: Next on Dr. Phil!

I turned my own brother into a blood-sucking vampire!