Monthly Archives: September 2013

Sci-Fi Corner: Pimp My Spaceship

There are many things that allow people to immediately define a story as Science Fiction; aliens, time travel, teleportation, futuristic gadgets such as laser guns/ swords, warp drives and humanoid robots. But there is only one staple of Science Fiction that is actually Science Fact: Space Travel in a Spaceship. Alright we might not be able to go very far in them and we haven't yet figured out interstellar travel, but its a start. So I thought we might as well celebrate the greatest spaceships in science fiction, because, you never know, one day they might just become science fact as well (providing their copyright is up by then).

I want to hear your opinions on this, what are your favourite spaceships? If you designed one how would you spec it? Would you trade off being able to do warp 9 for better defensive shields or greater fire power?

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Character Design Contest ♯38 Poll (It’s A Kind Of Magic)

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Character Design Contest ♯37 Results (Opposites Attract)

It turns out this weeks poll was a landslide, with the winner getting more than double the votes of the 2nd place and, in fact, more votes than the rest of the entries put together. And that winner is Kytana for the amazing Bornfree. Well done Kytana, and well done to everyone who entered, there were some brilliant entries to this contest.

37 Kytana-Bornfree