World-building: Kairula

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    I’ve been putting together a world for a while now, and I’d like to share it with you guys. It’s the world I set some of my stories in, and I’ve used it for years without really thinking about consistency or details that much. So, recently I decided to start setting those details out so I don’t forget them.

    This world is called Kairula. I don’t have a map of it yet, simply because I haven’t got round to drawing one, but I know vaguely what it’ll look like when I do. Kairula is a fantasy world, where magic works and modern technology doesn’t. It is reached from Earth through portals. These can be created by mages, but they also sometimes appear at random. They always face the sun – at least, the side you want to go through does. (More about the other side later.)

    Fairly standard races of Humans, Elves and Dragons, plus more. I’ve borrowed a lot of stuff from various authors, but put a bit of my own twist on it.



    lets hear more.



    Races (overview)
    Where there are any, they are invariably in the majority. Humans are the only race to be really enthusiastic about building cities and marking boundaries – beyond the human-occupied lands, there are no boundaries, and very few cities.
    Sub-races: Lupus and Vampire

    3 confirmed sub-races: the eldar, who are mainly gone from human lands, the eledhel and the moredhel. (Names taken from Raymond E. Feist’s Riftwar Saga.) Descended from the survivors of Atlantis who escaped to Kairula through a randomly appearing portal.

    Shapeshifters who can take any form, their base or central forms are: what you would think of as a traditional dragon (either air – the normal sort – or water – aquatic and can’t breathe fire or fly), human male, and human female. They age at half human speed, can work elemental magic (more about dragon magic later), and have 3 parents instead of the more usual two.

    I have a lot of powerpoints with all the detail on, and I’m trying to figure out the best way of sharing them. Any suggestions from anyone? They have a lot of links, because I’ve structured it a bit like a Wiki, with cross-references all over the place, and most of the ways I’ve found of publishing powerpoints don’t let the links work. Frown



    check out obsidion portal. its a free wiki for rpg campaigns


    Black Griffin

    I’m looking forward to seeing Your world Kaylin Smile



    OK, I won’t be posting any more info directly to this topic, instead I’ll be putting it on a wiki I’m making – here’s the link, check it out:



    Added most of the info from my powerpoints to the wiki now, plus about 10 HeroMachine images. Have a look, tell me what you think!
    (Link in previous post)



    The image of the Atlantean cave that you’ve got on there looks great!



    Kaylin, great job on Kairula (“Kay-rule-ah”? :D) ! Looking forward to more details as they become available. It took me back to the (not-so-)old days of my earliest sci-fi stories and pestering my chemistry teacher with elusive questions meant to enlighten me on what gases would best create the atmosphere i was envisioning for a humanoid-snails’ homeworld 🙂 (Un)fortunately, that story eventually sort of tied itself up into a knot.
    Also, i am definitely seconding the idea of having some seals in HM, so actual selkies can be made (you could try and modify/cover/mask stuff on the good-ol’ mermaid tail, but it would really take a while to reach anything satisfactory). I do have a character that’s spun off the selkie motif, so i can indeed relate.
    Also #2, i think you posted something somewhere (obvs., i can’t find it anymore) about how to size down posted images? (if i recall correctly) Please do lemme know how i do that again, or link me to it, or smth.

    Excelsior! 😀



    Thanks guys!

    , that took hours so I’m glad someone appreciates the effort.

    , I haven’t figured it out on the new system yet, but when I do I’ll let you know. I’m sure there is a way, but it took me a while to figure out the last one, so…



    Thanks, Kaylin 🙂



    (Recently/since I last posted in this topic) Created “Centaurs” page and added Portals to the “Magic” page.
    (Today) Added the “Beasts and Monsters” page (but it’s not finished yetFrown) and done some more work on Elves, Lupi & Vampires.

    There are more PICTURES!!! (And more to come!) Check it out!

    Remember to check everywhere as I don’t remember everything I’ve done since last time. And please, comment here to tell me what you think, what you’d like to see next, any improvements you’d like to see, etc.



    All of it is Awesome!!



    Thanks FRM!

    Yesterday I finished the “Beasts and Monsters” section completely (with the monsters I’ve got so far).

    If you have any suggestions for creatures/monsters you’d like to see, please post them. I love suggestions, they make my life so much easier!

    Edit: I also updated the “Magic” page with more info on Black magic, Human magic, Dragon magic, and the magic of Atlantis.



    Great job, Kaylin! I’ve been waiting for you to update the monsters section (yes, it tends to be the one most interesting for me in a game, i’ll admit :D) and i am not disappointed at all 😉 I particularly liked the Gloamgloazer (which i think was also a bit of a pioneering work for you, since many of your characters are rather the graceful humanoids, less the terribly ooky 😉 – and this *was* a compliment, btw :D), as well as the “strategic modesty effects” on the elementals/nymphs 😉 Oh, and i think “b’dang-dang” will have a long life ahead of it as an in-jokey cussphrase (that’s right, folks, you’ve just heard it first right here, on HM3!) 😀 at least i know it’ll keep me entertained for a while (and i’ll never look at an orangoutan (sp.?) the same way again 🙂 )

    And i haven’t even got to the magic section yet! 😀
    Also, yeah, i’m prepping up a micro-site with some of the playing cards i’m making, will share with you lovely folks when done 🙂

    Well done, and keep up the good work, you’re on to epic adventures galore there! 🙂

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